Many adults spend many hours at work than they do at home. This makes a workplace a second home. However, it is worth noting that the workplace if not carefully managed can be a source of emotional and psychological injury. This kind of damage is worse that the physical one as it is not physically manifested to many though after sometimes its effects can become apparent such damage comes in various manifestation like pressure to perform by your bosses, unachievable targets or emotional injuries as a result of other factors like sexual harassment in places of work. All this can take a substantial toll ion one’s performance at work making them emotional disconnected.

What Is An Emotional Injury?

Psychological injuries are events that cause a severe emotional toll on the involved person even if they are not physically damaging. They make one to feel depressed and in distress. Not long ago, the emotional injury was only associated with men returning from war since they were having problems settling like ordinary people in the society. After that, it came to be associated with women who were being abused by their husbands.

However, nowadays emotional injury, particularly in the workplace, is very familiar. And it is as a result of various events or changes in once life. Such occurrence include:

• Being sexually harassed in workplace especially by people of authority

• Being picked on by your boss

• Poor working relations with your colleagues especially if they don’t like you

• Career uncertainty especially when an organization is facing closure

• Extortion at place of work

Areas of the Brain Affected By Emotional Injury

The advancement of technology, especially in the medical department, have been very helpful when it comes to determining the part of the brain affected by stress. A long time ago doctors used to wait for a person to die so they can perform an autopsy which is not the case nowadays as scans can show the areas being affected by trauma. Study have shown that trauma changes the structure and function of the brain. Therefore, it’s possible to observe stress through scans.

Claimwire will help you get over your emotional problems by helping you file a claim. You don’t have to go through it alone. You might be fearing that you will lose your job if you reported to the authorities that your boss was sexually harassing you. Your life is more important and should come before your job. Emotional injuries at work can make your performance in your job fall drastically which can even be more threatening. Psychological injuries are some of the known causes of conditions like stomach ulcers. Prevention is better than cure and seeking help from Claimwire will help you get the compensation that you deserve.